David Kenyon
David leads on our Quality Mark work and is responsible for promoting the benefits to victims and witnesses that the Quality Mark can help deliver. He engages with a wide range of stakeholders and is committed to working with them to deliver better services and effective outcomes for those they serve.
He has recently led on two quality mark assessments both of which delivered positive results and where the process and engagement was seen as positive by all involved.
David has worked closely with Supporting Justice colleagues on several key pieces of work in Northern Ireland over the past five years and has extensive experience of working in environments where the need for sensitivity and discretion is paramount. He has recently led on two pieces of work involving the Quality Mark and a piece of assessment work for the Commission for Victims and Survivors. He has also played a part in the development of a service to support witnesses in Lithuania including delivering a keynote presentation to a conference of judicial workers.
David has almost 20 years’ experience of the criminal justice system including management of a Victim and Witness Service, service design, quality and assurance assessment, policy development and strategic engagement. He led on the development of a new front-end business process for Victim Support (VS) focused on assessing and meeting the needs of victims and project managed the national rollout. Before his departure from Victim Support in 2013 David led the policy, research, political and public affairs work for the organisation. This followed a two year secondment as senior policy manager in the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) where he managed third sector relationships, developed wider criminal justice policy and was the MoJ lead for the development of the homicide service.
David has served on a number of key committees in the criminal justice arena and continues to take an active role on the Criminal Procedure Rule Committee (which is made up of senior criminal justice professionals) which is responsible for the rules that govern all criminal trials in England and Wales. He also has experience in delivering presentations and speeches to a range of audiences in England and Wales.