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Pioneering national standards


Knowledge to innovate

Subject Matter Expertise

Speaking and advising on issues affecting victims and witnesses to improve knowledge and understanding

Service Design

Designing and implementing products and services to provide effective support to victims and witnesses

Audit and Assessment

Auditing services using our Victims Choice Quality Mark framework and constructing improvement plans

Training Offering

Building knowledge through design and delivery of training, coaching and providing hands on support

We provide expert consultancy to those who want to improve what they offer and how they work with victims and witnesses.  Our Victims Choice Quality Standards, which have been designed from research and practice, provide a framework to everything we do.  We support a range of organisations, commissioners and policy makers to make improvements that benefit victims and witnesses and create efficiencies and improvements in the criminal justice system.  We provide information to those searching for support through our Victims Choice website so victims can make confident choices in moments of crisis.

We believe victims and witnesses deserve excellent quality services from those who are highly skilled and have the expertise to help them to cope and recover from crime. Our ambition is to improve the experience of victims and witnesses through working with support services and policy makers and those responsible for commissioning services. We focus on helping reduce the impact of crime, minimising the chances of re-victimisation and helping victims and witnesses receive the effective support they need.

We can help you overcome challenges and realise your ambitions.  Our victim care standards inform how we will work with clients. We will be accessible at times and in ways most convenient to you. We will work hard to understand your needs. We will ensure our service provides value for money, recognising that any investment has to realise improvement. We will support you to achieve sustainability, delivering skill and knowledge transfer in everything we do. We will closely guard any information we have access to and treat it with the utmost confidence so it feels safe to work with us.

We are not just experts but pioneers in the field, effecting real change through our innovative Victims Choice Quality Mark which is leading the way to professionalise the sector. Our clients experience our determination and enthusiasm which, combined with our expertise gives them  confidence in our working relationships.

some of our clients that trust us, be sure to be one of them