
Our Services

We provide services that lead to improved service delivery for victims and witnesses. We are an outcome focused team who focus on what really matters to our clients and those they serve. Our clients find us approachable, open and effective in delivering what we promise. 

Subject Matter Expertise

We advise on issues affecting victims and witnesses to improve knowledge and understanding and improve policy and practice. We regularly speak at events, take part in consultations and sit on panels to provide subject matter expertise.  We provide valuable and insightful perspectives into strategy and policy for both the delivery and commissioning of services. Our expertise is based on extensive experience at strategic and operational levels in the criminal justice system working with victims, witnesses and a wide range of stakeholders.

Service Design

We have extensive experience in designing, reviewing and developing new or existing services for victims and witnesses. Our quality mark framework acts as a key tool for new service ensuring they are developed with a clear focus on the needs of victims alongside service specifications and clients requirements. We use our extensive experience of the criminal justice landscape to identify pinch points, and can help clients help both quick and long term solutions. We can identify processes that can be implemented or connections that can be made to streamline processes. We recognise the importance of innovation and the importance of and challenges of change. We can support our service design work with implementation plans and a large range of products including  service manuals, operating frameworks and procedures and clear, focused training courses. Hear more about how we have transformed clients services here

Audit and Assessment

We audit and assess delivery organisations using our Victims Choice Quality Mark. We have developed five victim care standards through research and experience and designed them to ensure the delivery of safe and effective services. Our Quality Mark is focused on looking at outcomes and what the service really does deliver. Organisation must provide evidence against a number of performance indicators to show they can meet all the criteria required for each standard. Integral to our work in this area is  making sure that our assessment highlights good practice as well as providing clear recommendations how services can be improved. This independent assessment helps organisations and their funders be confident in the quality of the service on offer to victims.

Training Offering

We have extensive experience in designing and delivering training materials and courses. This includes face to face delivery sessions and the design of distance learning materials. We offer coaching and mentoring services and have experience in team building with staff and volunteers, to enhance the capabilities and capacity of organisations and individuals. Our core team is supplemented by our associate network who have a wide range of knowledge and experience in this area. Download our leaflet here to find out more about what we do.

Victims Choice

Victims Choice Website

Victim’s Choice designed, developed, owned and managed by Supporting Justice. Designed as a tool to provide information to victims on the victim services available in their area. The aim is allowing victims to make informed choices about who they wish to seek help from by reading experiences from real victims helping to inform their choice. It contains the single largest collection of information on victims services across the UK. Currently in its infancy there are a number of potential extensions being explored with commissioners to customise and use it as an independent feedback tool.

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