Audit and Assessment

Audit and Assessment

Supporting Justice helps clients to improve the quality of the services they commission or deliver through auditing and assessing these services. We use our Victims Choice Quality Mark framework which contains a robust set of standards for victim and witness care, which can be seen here. The standards can be used to design services, audit services and, importantly, set a benchmark for good practice through the UK‘s first Quality Mark assessment for victim services.

An audit or assessment of the service you deliver or one that you commission can help you better understand how you are meeting the needs of victims and what areas may need to be improved. We offer both audit, which is a review of what’s going on, and assessment which is focused on reviewing and then validating that the service has reached a certain standard. Book a call to see how we can help or to enquire about one of our specific products below.

“I believe that victims of crime deserve professional services and support. I welcome any initiative such as this that sets out to recognise high quality services”

Baroness Newlove – Victims Commissioner

Touch Point Report

The Touch Point report delivers a light review of a service being provided mapped against the standards and criteria. It will identify if the service is ready to undertake the Quality Mark process. It takes the form of an interview with the operations manager or equivalent to look at the service provided and consider how and if the standards are being considered and met within the service. The process itself provides senior staff with an opportunity to look at the service under a spotlight, considering the delivery from the perspective of what a victim needs and what they receive. A short report is compiled following the interview which helps identify potential areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Quality Mark Assessment

The Victims Choice Quality Mark is an independent assessment of the quality of the service provided to victims and witnesses looking at a set of criteria for each of the 5 standards and securing evidence against the performance indicators. The assessment is undertaken by Supporting Justice assessors allocated to each assessment according to suitability and experience. The assessment process is in 5 stages: an introductory meeting; self assessment; review of the evidence; site visits (observations, dip sampling and interviews); and finally a report. The specifics of these stages will be determined by the type of organisation and service delivered to ensure that the process is appropriate to the service being assessed. Download our leaflet about the Quality Mark here and visit our FAQ page here

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