Victims can find out about the services that are available to them
The service offer in relation to being a victim of crime is clearly expressed to potential service users
Service information is freely available, and promoted in places where potential victims may encounter it
Service information is available online, easily discoverable and user friendly, and includes links to information victims may need e.g. Victims Code of Practice, criminal justice processes etc
Service information is clear, easy to understand and appropriate for the service user group
Victims are provided with a range of appropriate ways to access a free service at times and locations that suit them
There are options available to victims on how they can directly make initial contact with the service, and these are clear to victims
There are options about where support takes place and these are made clear to victims
Drop in, needs assessment and support locations are welcoming , appropriate and conducive to the victim feeling comfortable to discuss their experience and personal circumstances
The service is free of charge to users , and there is availability outside of normal working hours i.e. evenings or weekends. This applies to: •Initial contact with the service •Needs assessment •Support
Barriers to making initial contact with the service and receiving support have been identified (e.g. disability, communication and language difficulties, and gender of practitioner where relevant) and there are clear ways these are overcome which are known to practitioners
Out of service hours there is a clear and appropriate voicemail message explaining what will happen next, preferred contact details, as well as the provision of emergency support numbers
Victims are effectively referred into the service by other agencies using clear and agreed methods
Referral agreements and processes support the transfer of sufficient information in order to make appropriate and safe contact with victims
Inward referral relationships are maintained together with regular opportunities to review the effectiveness of referrals
Any problems with referrals and referral information are identified and steps are taken to address them