Standards and Criteria – Safety

Victims Safety

We provide services that lead to improved service delivery for victims and witnesses. We are an outcome focused team who focus on what really matters to our clients and those they serve. Our clients find us approachable, open and effective in delivering what we promise.

Standard: SAFETY

Victims can feel confident that their personal safety is taken seriously in the support process

  • Victims are routinely asked about their perception of personal safety and risk of further victimisation
  • Help, information, practical resources and referral is provided to enable victims to feel safe and avoid further victimisation
  • Information sharing / referral to other agencies to manage risk and safety is done promptly and followed up to ensure information has been received and is being actioned
  • Risk assessment is conducted in line with best practice (industry standards where they exist) and effectively identifies risks to victims and relevant others, and clearly records appropriate actions to minimise risks. This should cover locations where victims are supported and procedure are known / accessible to practitioners
  • There is a good understanding of vulnerabilities and how these can add to risk
  • Risks and safety plans are reviewed with the victim regularly and new actions recorded and taken where needed
  • Where applicable there is effective attendance at MARAC by an appropriately qualified person representing the service
  • DBS and other appropriate checks are completed before personnel have access to victims or their information

Safeguarding is taken seriously

  • All relevant service personnel are aware of their responsibilities in regards to safeguarding and are clear about what to do if they have a concern and how to respond effectively to a disclosure of abuse, including how to escalate it to a senior staff member. Safeguarding concerns are recorded, and dealt with appropriately and effectively and this is supported by organisational policy that reflects up to date good practice. (Note: if safeguarding concerns are not being regularly identified then this might indicate a concern about them being identified effectively).
  • Safeguarding concerns are recorded, and dealt with appropriately and effectively and this is supported by organisational policy that reflects up to date good practice. (Note: if safeguarding concerns are not being regularly identified then this might indicate a concern about them being identified effectively).

Victims can feel confident that information about them is kept safe and  communication with them is safe

  • Victims are informed about confidentiality and its limits at the outset of receiving the service and reminded at each stage of the process
  • Information about victims is stored and transferred securely in line with data protection legislation and not shared outside of the service without the victim’s permission (unless there is risk of harm or required by law).
  • Communication with victims is done safely and protects confidentiality
  • Confidential working practices are in place reducing the risk that information may go missing e.g locking computer, shredding information etc.

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